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时间:2018-07-23 阅读次数:






1. 植物分子遗传和发育生物学,主要以拟南芥和二穗短柄草等模式植物为材料,探讨植物生殖发育的分子机理。

2. 昆虫生殖发育,主要以果蝇和飞蝗为研究对象,比较研究调控精巢发育的一些关键因子,阐明其调控机制。

3. 昆虫-植物互作,目前主要关注一些重要农业害虫与植物的互作方式和行为。



2016.12-至今   山西大学   特聘教授

2013.10-2016.12   德国图宾根大学  项目科学家

2000.8-2013.9   德国马普植物育种所 博士后

1985.7-1997.8  山东农业大学  任教



1997.9-2000.7  中国科学院植物研究所   博士

1990.9-1993.7  山东农业大学   硕士

1981.9-1985.6  山东大学     学士





1. Xing S, Mehlhorn DG, Wallmeroth N, Asseck LY, Kar R, Voss A, Denninger P, Schmidt VA, Schwarzlander M, Stierhof YD, Grossmann G, Grefen C (2017). Loss of GET pathway orthologs in Arabidopsis thaliana causes root hair growth defects and affects SNARE abundance. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(8):E1544-E1553.

2. Xing S, Wallmeroth N, Berendzen KW, Grefen C (2016). Techniques for the Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions in Vivo. Plant Physiol. 171:727-758.

3. Xing S#, Salinas M#, Garcia-Molina A, H?hmann S, Berndtgen R, Huijser P. (2013) SPL8 and miR156-targeted SPL genes redundantly regulate Arabidopsis gynoecium differential patterning. Plant J. 75(4):566-577. (#These authors contributed equally to the work)  

4. Xing S*, Salinas M, Huijser P*. (2011) New players unveiled in early anther development. Plant Signal Behav. 6:934-938.(*通讯作者)  

5. Xing S*, Salinas M, H?hmann S, Berndtgen R, Huijser P. (2010) miR156-targeted and nontargeted SBP-box transcription factors act in concert to secure male fertility in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 12:3935-3950. (*通讯作者, Cover story)

6. Wang Z#, Xing S#, Birkenbihl RP, Zachgo S. (2009) Conserved functions of Arabidopsis and rice CC-type glutaredoxins in flower development and pathogen response. Mol Plant  2:323-335. (#These authors contributed equally to the work)

7. Xing S, Zachgo S. (2008) ROXY1 and ROXY2, two Arabidopsis glutaredoxin genes, are required for anther development. Plant J. 53:790-801. (Cover story )

8. Xing S, Zachgo S. (2007) Pollen lethality: a phenomenon in Arabidopsis RNA interference plants. Plant Physiol. 145:330-333.

9. Xing S, Rosso MG and Zachgo S. (2005) ROXY1, a member of the plant glutaredoxin family, is required for petal development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Development 132:1555-1565.



Email: xing2016@sxu.edu.cn

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